“Coming in second means you are the first loser.”
This appeared on a Big Dog T-shirt I used to wear as a young man, and I lived by this code in sports and business.
What I have learned since then (after 40) is that in business you inevitably will come in second, lose a large contract,  be rejected for a promotion or be lucky enough to hear the most famous statement of all, “We love you but have decided to go in a different direction.”  How you behave when this happens often determines how you grow and become a true success in business and life. Examples of how great failures preceded amazing breakthrough success are endless.
My life lesson was displayed last weekend in one of the biggest embarrassments in Super Bowl history.  After the game, Peyton Manning, John Fox and John Elway praised their opponent and gave them credit for being better on that day. In the heat of battle and defeat, they took the high road and gained the respect of America.
I think this leadership group displayed grace and showed what winners they truly are.
My business lessons showed me that after I faced rejection and failure in my life, great rewards soon followed.
Weekly Wisdom from Jerry Rollins, CEO of Sage Executive Group
jerry.rollins@sageexecutive group.com or (858-775-6900)